Darryl m bell
Darryl m bell

darryl m bell

Miles is also involved in improving the clinical care of pediatric neurocritical care disorders and is a member of the Pediatric Neurocritical Care Research Group (PNCRG). Hopefully, this will lead to a better understanding of TBI in children and how the childhood brain responds and recovers after acute injury.ĭr. Researchers are currently analyzing how the injury patterns on acute magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) imaging can help predict long-term cognitive function. This study is investigating the genetic and clinical factors affecting neurodevelopmental outcome in children after traumatic brain injury (TBI). He is the lead investigator for a five-year prospective cohort study sponsored by the Perot Center for Brain and Nerve Injury. Miles has transitioned to a clinical and translational approach to understanding CNS injury and recovery. Research found that progenitor cells within the hippocampus, a central structure for learning and memory, could recover and replace damaged neurons after hypoxic-ischemic injury.ĭr. During his fellowship and as a junior faculty member, he used a transgenic mouse model to investigate the endogenous capability of neural stem and progenitor cells to remodel the brain after injury. Darryl Miles’ academic aim is to investigate the pathophysiology and long-term neurodevelopmental outcome after acquired brain injury in children.

Darryl m bell